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Rev Up Your Sex Life with Votiva®

Rev Up Your Sex Life with Votiva®

Having babies, getting older, and going through menopause can do a number on your vagina. Some of the effects are visible, such as wrinkled, sagging labia, and others you just sense, like the loss of elastisicity down there, and sex isn’t as enjoyable as it used to be. 

The good news is that increasing elasticity and moisture in your vagina and revving up your sex life is easy with noninvasive, painless Votiva®

Lax vaginal tissue is primarily a skin issue, and that’s where we come in. 

At Gago Wellness in Brighton, Michigan, our master aestheticians specialize in using advanced technology to restore health and vitality to your skin, and that includes your delicate vaginal skin. 

Understanding vaginal atrophy

The word “atrophy” means to diminish or waste away — the last thing you want to hear in relation to your vagina. But just like your biceps and quads, your vagina suffers from the aging process, as well. Not only do the muscles wither, your skin also dries and gets thinner. 

When you factor menopause into the equation with aging and childbearing, it leads to genitourinary syndrome, which comes with a long list of undesirable symptoms, such as:

None of these are conducive to pleasurable sex, which is why so many women are turning to Votiva to restore their vagina and rejuvenate their sex lives.

How Votiva improves sex

Votiva uses well-known technology — radiofrequency (RF) — in a new way. One of our skin care experts inserts a slender probe into your vagina, where it emits RF energy that penetrates the layers of your skin. As it gently heats the inner tissues, it stimulates collagen production of your vaginal mucosa, the mucous membranes that line your vaginal cavity. We use two different Votiva devices to achieve complete vaginal rejuvenation.


FormaV addresses both internal and external vaginal skin issues: vaginal laxity and labial hypertrophy (enlarged labia). By increasing blood flow and promoting new collagen production, FormaV restructures your vaginal walls from deep within and tightens the canal. It also triggers the creation of new elastin fibers that reduce your enlarged labia.


FractoraV specializes in tightening your external vaginal tissues. Using the same RF energy, this device improves the appearance of your genitals. Whether you have wrinkled, misshapen, enlarged, or sagging skin, FractoraV tightens the tissues and restores a more youthful look. 

Reasons to consider Votiva

Many women live with vaginal atrophy, never even knowing there’s a quick and easy way to reclaim the look and feel they had in their youth. At Gago Wellness, we want all women to enjoy a robust sexual life no matter their age or how many children they’ve had, and Votiva is a safe, noninvasive, and effective way to achieve that. Here are some of the many reasons to consider Votiva:

The best reason to consider Votiva is that a healthier vagina means a healthier sex life. To rev up your sex life, contact us by phone or online to schedule a consultation with our experts to find out if Votiva is right for you. 

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